
Build your career with Belize Job Hub. Start yours today.


Job Seeker

An individual searching for employment openings, services, or information related to their personal employment or job search


Individuals and/or organizations seeking information related to hiring or human resources, seeking Job Seekers, or seeking to make available information regarding employment openings, on their behalf or other’s behalf, including but not limited to agencies purchasing for multiple parties and employment agencies

Personal Data

Any information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual and can include information about how you engage with our Services, such as device information or IP address

Non-Personal Data

Any information that does not relate to an identified/identifiable specific individual, e.g. data relating solely to a business

Your Information

Personal and Non-Personal Data that pertains to you


The entity that decides how and why your data is processed


An entity that processes data in a particular way, at the direction of a controller

Job Listings

Employment openings on Indeed

Belize Job Hub Profile

All application and contact information stored on your BJH seeker account, including resume information, assessment results, and answers to screener questions.


An Indeed resume or a resume that you upload yourself